Veterinarian Overview
I am Dr. Howard Brooks-Korn, owner and solo general practitioner working in our clinic. I keep using the word "our" because this is a family clinic, which includes Karen Santiago, my Registered Veterinary Technician, who has been working with me over 35 years. She is the most dedicated, skilled, and compassionate technician I've ever worked with. Then there is Carol Oakes, also known as "Grandma," Karen's mother and my head receptionist for 25 years. Clients always comment that she is the most cheerful person to speak with on the phone and always knows who she is speaking to and the pets that are in their family. This was the first job she was ever hired for because at the time we were looking for the perfect receptionist and asked her to fill in so we could take our time looking. She always finishes that statement by stating, "and I guess they're still looking." The second newest newcomer is Michel Conrad who is also a Registered Veterinary Technician. He did his 1 year "RVT" internship at our clinic. When he graduated from the Foothill College, Registered Veterinary Technician program, he fit so perfectly into our family structure that we had to hire him to work with Karen. They make one heck of a team. "Grandma" recently had surgery and finds it difficult to work five consecutive days, so we hired Valerie Hatfield to give her a day off on Wednesdays. I'm not sure why we are so lucky to have found the perfect backup receptionist. She has been an incredibly fast learner and has the same cheerful personality and memory for pets as "Grandma." I thought you might find it interesting that while working here the last 35 years, Karen raised her two children here at the clinic. Her oldest daughter Megan has started working here several days a week. It's quite a sight to see three generations from the same family, all as a result of "Grandma," and all with her finest attributes. Megan is seriously considering following in her mother's footsteps and entering the Foothill College Registered Veterinary Technician Program. Kamla, our bookkeeper of 20 some years, and Phil, our nightly custodian of about 15 years, round out the personnel that make up our family. Without the help of everyone doing their part, I could never have run this clinic in the efficient and effective way it has to be run to allow the best care for you and your pets. Not a day goes by without me realizing how thankful I am for the wonderful family that has made this clinic what it is.