I only came here out of desperation because I brought my dog in for vomiting and panting, also her back legs were super weak. first of all they brushed off Me saying anything about her legs and said she was walking normal. Which anyone could see she was not. They did blood work and said that her kidney/liver levels were off but that wouldn’t make her vomit. They just labeled it as an “incident” so all they did was give her nausea medication and sent me home. I took her to her primary vet the next day and they had to do more blood work because Walden lake refused to send over her results. Turns out with the kidney/liver level being off would make her vomit and shows something else was wrong. First, they were able to tell she has arthritis in both knees instantly by just a physical exam. With the other tests they found cancer and is currently in surgery for it. How Walden lake animal clinic has a license is beyond me. They were so rude, unprofessional, and just not knowledgeable. I’m glad I went with my gut and took her somewhere else. I will continue telling everyone about my nightmare with WLAC