Mary Mandeville (Animotion Chiropractic Care for Animals)

Mary Mandeville (Animotion Chiropractic Care for Animals)
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Veterinarian Overview

Dr. Mandeville graduated cum laude from Northwestern College of Chiropractic and went on to operate a traditional practice that catered to clientele of the human, two-legged variety. Then one fateful day five years later, her young black lab, Molly, was hit by a car and subsequently lost a leg to the accident. It quickly became obvious that Molly’s tripod stance and gait would take a toll on her whole physical structure. Wanting the best health and mobility for her dog, Dr. Mandeville decided to extend her professional education with training specifically in animalchiropractic. This led her to Wellsville, Kansas where she attended the highly regarded Options for Animals College of Animal Chiropractic, earning certification in animal chiropractic. As the only school in the world completely devoted to the advancement of animal chiropractic education, it carries the honor of being approved by both the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association (AVCA) and the International Veterinary Chiropractic Association (IVCA). Initially, Dr. Mandeville simply wanted to provide a lifetime of care to Molly and had no intention of starting a practice serving animal clients. However, word got out about Molly’s progress due to her chiropractic treatments and the phone started to ring and simply never stopped. Apparently, animals all over had people who recognized the need and value of chiropractic care for them. Now it is Dr. Mandeville’s joy to focus on animal clients exclusively. On occasion, she finds herself wondering if this was perhaps Molly’s plan, all along.

Services Offered

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Office Address

5746 NE Going Street
Portland, OR 97218

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