Veterinarian Overview
Education: Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences from The Ohio State University Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from The Ohio State University Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist from The Chi InstituteWhy I chose to work in the veterinary field:At an early age I had a passion for science and animals. As a Veterinarian, I am able to combine those passions where I can also help both animals and people live happierand healthier lives. Favorite animal:Horse, ranging from minis to drafts, love them all! However, Labrador Retrievers come up as a close second, especially black labs!My pets: Bobo- 13yr Rescue Chocolate Lab Emi 5 month Boston Terrier Chino- 15yr Racking trail horse Lil Dean- 5yr Miniature Horse Handful of sheep and goats, chickens and registered Hereford cattleHobbies: Trail riding, trail walks with the dogs, I like to antique and then spending time with my family