Veterinarian Overview
I am a progressive veterinarian continually searching for the best way to treat your pets. But heres the thing, veterinary medicine faces two almost insurmountable problems: Standardization Excessive pharmaceuticals When I say standardization, I am referring to the fact that the majority of treatment and prevention strategies follow the book. They are the same no matter what veterinarian you choose. By too many pharmaceuticals, what I mean is that throwing a myriad of drugs at the problem seldom works and can even harm your pet. You see good veterinary medicine demands the ability to change and be open-minded to the vast array of problems encountered each and every day. To overcome these problems, I practice with a straightforward philosophy. First, I focus on the presenting problems and the problems most pressing to your pet. Then, my focus changes to you, the pet parent. Our communicationwhat you want and your expectations are paramount to a successful treatment. Finally, so you dont feel trapped, you are offered options and you make the decision.