After over a $1000 and a couple months, my dog's foot is still a problem. The vet tech told me to rehome him because in her opinion she says I'm neglecting my dog. I went there for care for my dog, not to have a tech change a bandage twice a week and then blame me for the foot not healing. I had to push to see the other vet after three weeks past surgery. It took a few visits to even get the surgery. It took from June 2021 and up to 20 visits to only be told I'm a jerk to my dog. Excuse me? Even if the tech feels that way about me very uncool to say that to me. The foot isn't healing. I'm not a magician. I expect the vet's office to lead me and communicate WITH me not at me. I am going to another vet now. The tech was right about one thing: yeah, that foot should have been healed a long time ago. The rest she blamed on me was assumption. No questions were asked of me, no openness to allow me to talk. Forget that.