Dr. Motie (All Animal & Bird Hospital)

Dr. Motie (All Animal & Bird Hospital)
Average 3.6/5.0 (4 Ratings)
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Veterinarian Overview

Dr. A. Motie D.V.M., M.S. graduated with a Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine and a Master of Science in Microbiology from Tuskegee University in Alabama.Dr. Motie worked at the Florida Institute of Technology in leprosy research (1984-1988), and has several research publications on leptospirosis, infectious anemia in horses, and leprosy. He also worked as Veterinarian/Microbiologist for the government of Guyana (1982-1984), and worked in a private, mixed animal practice. He was also involved in the diagnosis and treatment of zoo animadiseases at the Guyana Zoo in Georgetown, Guyana. Established current practice in 1988 in small animal and exotic bird medicine. Dr. Motie is a long time member of the Florida Veterinarians Medical Association. Hobbies include tennis and golf. Charities and Organizations - Orphanage in Guyana. Avid supporter of WFIT radio.

Services Offered

Office Address

4100 W. New Haven Ave
Melbourne, FL 32904

Latest Reviews for Dr. Motie (All Animal & Bird Hospital)

Joan Varecka
Please advise where I can my dog records since Dr mOtie passed away,,, 321 632 0770
Jul 7 2021 11:34 AM

Anon E Mous
Best vet we ever had. Once we had a cat that had multiple issues and that we could no longer afford to treat. We asked him to put him to sleep. Dr. Motie asked if we minded if he took him home to care for him.
Jan 1 2021 8:12 PM

Nov 11 2020 8:23 AM

Gramly trust
Illegal transfer of medical records without concent. Wrongful billing
Mar 3 2020 1:49 PM

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